BSBA Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts: 1964 (Economics) (Magna Cum Laude)
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley: 1968 (Economics)
Elected to membership in the Mont Pelerin Society 1986
Member of Mont Pelerin Society Board of Directors 2000 -2006
Vice President of Mont Pelerin Society 2004 - 2006
Editor, Mont Pelerin Society Newsletter 2004 - 2009
Chairman of Mont Pelerin Society Membership Committee 2006 - 2010
Phi Beta Kappa 1964
Woodrow Wilson Fellow 1964 65
Danforth Fellow 1964 68
Assistant Professor of Economics University of California, Los Angeles; 1968 -1973.
Associate Professor of Economics California State University, Hayward (CSUH); 1973 -1976.
Professor of Economics CSUEB; 1976- 2007
Mises Institute Professor, Instructional Seminar in Austrian Economics, Stanford University, June 22 -27, 1987
Visiting Professor of Business Economics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July/August 1987, July/August 1993
Visiting Professor of Economics, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala City, Guatemala September/October 2003
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Business and Economics, CSUEB, 2005-2007
Co-Chairman (two people shared chair's position), Department of Economics, CSUH, September 2000 to 2005
Director, The Smith Center for Private Enterprise Studies, CSUEB 1991 - 2007
Acting Chairman Department of Economics, CSUEB; 1975 1976, Spring 1986, Fall 1996, Fall 1997
Speaker and Specialist Grant from the U. S. Department of State -- August 5-14, 2001. Undertook a tour of India speaking on the subject of "Labor Law Liberalization"
Director, Seminar on Austrian Economics Institute for Humane Studies, Menlo Park, CA; Summer 1977.
Director Seminar on Austrian Economics, Liberty Fund; Summer 1982
Senior Economist Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, San Francisco, CA; 1982 1984
Academic Advisory Board, Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa 1998 to present
Adjunct Scholar, National Institute for Labor Relations Research, Springfield, VA 2002 to present
PUBLICATIONS (in chronological order)
"On the Publicness of Health Care," Review of Social Economy, September 1969, pp. 109- 120
"A Proposal for Financing the Purchase of Health Services," Journal of Human Resources, Winter 1970, pp. 89-105
Abstract of doctoral dissertation, The Journal of Finance, June 1970, pp. 690- 691
"Knut Wicksell on the Integration of Monetary and Value Theory," Swedish Journal of Economics, June 1970, pp. 101- 110
"A Case for Advertising by Physicians and Dentists," Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer 1970, pp. 46- 53
"A Technique for Analyzing Inaccurately Estimated Trade Offs," Review of Social Economy, September 1970, pp. 173 -178
"A Market Solution to Medical Inflation: A Reply," Journal of Human Resources, Winter 1971, pp. 125- 129
"On Profits and Hospitals," Journal of Economic Issues, March 1971, pp. 57- 66
"Still More on Profits and Hospitals: Journal of Economic Issues, September 1971, pp. 123- 126
Macroeconomics: Monetary, Search and Income Theories Science Research Associates, 1973.
Prices and Markets: Microeconomics -West Publishing Company, March 1975.
"Polluter's Profit and Political Response: Comment" (with Robert S. Main), American Economic Review, December 1976, pp. 979- 980
Elements of Macroeconomics West Publishing Company, January 1977.
Elements of Microeconomics (with Robert S. Main) West Publishing Company, April 1977.
Advertising by Professionals, International Institute of Economic Research, University of California, Los Angeles, October 1977 (a monograph).
Unionism and the Public Sector, International Institute of Economic Research, University of California, Los Angeles, August 1978 (a monograph; reprinted in Managerial and Decision Economics, University of Edinburgh, June 1981.)
"Tax Reform and a Proposal" (with Philip P. Storrer), Taxes The Tax Magazine, October 1978, pp. 629- 634
Rent Control: The Perennial Folly CATO Institute, 1980 (a monograph)
Macroeconomics: Monetary, Search and Income Theories (2nd edition, with Alexander E. Cassuto) SRA, 1980.
"The Hatch Act and Inflation," Government Union Review, Fall 1980, pp. 35 -51
Foreword to The Theory of Collective Bargaining 1930, 1975 by W.H. Hutt, CATO Institute, 1980.
Elements of Macroeconomics (2nd edition), West Publishing Company, 1981.
Elements of Microeconomics (2nd edition, with Robert S. Main), West Publishing Company, 1981.
"Some Philosophical and Economic Arguments in Support of Union Free Colleges and Universities," Government Union Review, Spring 1981, pp. 22 -30
"Proportionality, Justice, and the Value Added Tax," CATO Journal, Fall 1981, pp. 405- 420
Prices and Markets: Microeconomics (2nd edition) West Publishing Company, 1982.
"For Love or Money: A Book Review" Managerial and Decision Economics, June 1982, pp. 112- 113
"Polish Solidarity vs. American Unionism," Government Union Review, Winter 1982, pp. 47- 57
"The Philosophy and Ideology of Pollution Regulation," CATO Journal, Winter 1982, pp. 301- 304
"Public Employees, Unions, and the Erosion of Civic Trust: A Book Review," Journal of Labor Research, Fall 1983, pp. 393- 396
Opportunity or Privilege: Labor Legislation in America, Transaction Books, Rutgers University, 1984 (a monograph).
"Teacher Unions, Educational Quality, and A Free Market Remedy," Government Union Review,
Summer 1984, pp. 12 -31
"Comparable Worth: The Labor Theory of Value and Worse," Government Union Review, Winter 1985, pp. 1- 29
"Labor Law and Entrepreneurial Discovery," Austrian Economics Newsletter, Summer 1985, pp. 1- 5
"Labor Law and the First Amendment," Cato Journal, Spring/Summer 1985, pp. 203- 218
"On The Bishops and the Market," The Freeman, December 1985, pp. 718 -727
"Strikes Against Government: The California Supreme Court Decision," Government Union Review, Winter 1986, pp. 1- 29
"The Politics of Teacher Unionism: A Book Review," Journal of Labor Research, Fall 1986, pp. 423- 425
"The Economics of Time and Ignorance: A Review Article," The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. I, Lexington Books, 1986, pp. 189 - 206
"Perils in the Carnegie Forum Report on Teaching," Government Union Review, Winter 1987, pp. 25- 46
"Labor Law and Labor Management Cooperation: Two Incompatible Views," CATO Journal, Winter 1987, pp. 933- 950
"The Varieties of `Right to Work': An Essay in Honor of W.H. Hutt," Managerial & Decision Economics, Winter 1988, pp. 33- 43.(This is a festschrift article. It is reprinted in the Spring 1988 issue of Government Union Review, pp. 1- 22.)
"James Buchanan and the Austrians: The Common Ground," CATO Journal, Spring/Summer 1989, pp. 201- 230
"Pennsylvania's Act 195: Twenty Years of Folly," Government Union Review, Summer, 1989, pp. 1- 39
"American Union Law: Sources of Conflict," Journal of Labor Research, Summer, 1990, pp. 269 -292
"Solidarity and Labor Law Reform in the 1990s," The Freeman, June 1990, pp. 224- 225
Book review: Discovery, Capitalism, and Distributive Justice, by Israel Kirzner, The Freeman, August 1990, pp. 318- 320
"Labor Law Reform: Lessons From History," CATO Journal, Spring/Summer 1990, pp. 175- 209. (Reprinted in Government Union Review, Winter 1991)
"On the Right to Strike," The Freeman, October 1990, pp. 387- 391; reprinted in Hans F. Sennholz, ed., American Unionism: Fallacies and Follies, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, 1994, pp. 57-64.
"The European Community's Social Charter: A Market Process Analysis," Government Union Review, Fall 1990, pp. 1-31.
"Unions Drop Their Mask," The Freeman, March 1991, pp. 91 95; reprinted in Hans F. Sennholz, ed., American Unionism: Fallacies and Follies, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, 1994. pp. 116-120.
"What Garbage Crisis?," The Freeman, June 1991, pp. 204 207, reprinted in Policy, (journal of The Centre for Independent Studies, Australia), Autumn 1992, pp. 23-25. Also reprinted in Hans F. Sennholz, ed., Man and Nature, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, 1993, pp. 179-186.
"On Strikers and Their Replacements," Government Union Review, Summer 1991, pp. 1-30.
"A Tale of Infamy: The Air Associates Strikes of 1941," The Freeman, April 1992, pp. 152-159; reprinted in Hans F. Sennholz, ed., American Unionism: Fallacies and Follies, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, 1994, pp. 100-115.
"The Permissible Uses of Forced Union Dues: From Hanson to Beck," Policy Analysis, No. 174, July 24, 1992, the Cato Institute, pp. 54. Reprinted as a monograph in Government Union Review, Summer 1992.
"Are Quality Circles Illegal? Global Competition Meets the New Deal," Briefing Papers, No. 18, February 10, 1993, the Cato Institute, pp. 16. Reprinted in The Freeman, July 1993, pp. 263-271.
"The Return of Big Labor," The World & I, July 1993, pp. 102-109.
"Outlawing Cooperation: Chapter Two," Regulation Magazine, Number 3, 1993, Cato Institute, pp. 12-15
"Strikers and Scabs," The Freeman, March 1994, pp. 143-144.
"I Have a Right!," in Mark Spangler ed., Cliches of Politics, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, 1994, Cliche #1, pp. 9-11
"We Must Abide by the Majority. That's Democracy," in Mark Spangler ed., Cliches of Politics, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, 1994, Cliche #7, pp. 30-32
"Labor Cartels, Competition and Government," The Freeman, August 1994, pp. 426-429.
"Profit and Loss," in Peter J. Boettke, ed., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., Hants, England, 1994, Chapter 21, pp. 143-150
"The Dunlop Commission Report: Friends of Unions," Government Union Review, Fall 1994, pp. 1-42
"Labor Law," Chapter 25 in The CATO Handbook for the 104th Congress, Cato Institute, Washington, DC, 1995 pp.229-236.
Book review: The New Unionism in the New Society: Public Sector Unions in the Redistributive State, by Leo Troy, The Freeman, May 1995, pp. 330-332
"Toward Equality and Justice in Labor Markets," The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Summer 1995, pp. 163-186
"Clinton and the Union Dinosaur," The Conservative Review, Nov./Dec. 1995, pp. 13-14
"Freedom and American Labor Relations Law: 1946-1996, 50th Anniversary Edition, The Freeman, May 1996, pp. 299-309
"The Employment Contracts Act: Almost a Model for the World," The Social Critic," Vol. 1, No. 3 (July/August 1996) pp. 22-27
The Employment Contracts Act and Unjustifiable Dismissal (a monograph) New Zealand Business Roundtable, Wellington, New Zealand, August 1996.
"Rights, Freedom and Rivalry," The Freeman, October 1996, pp. 667-669
"Perspective: Freedom-for Labor Day in New Zealand," The Freeman, October 1996, 650-651
Equality for the Labor Market: An Appreciation of WH Hutt (a monograph), Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, Fall 1996.
"Deregulation of the New Zealand Labor Market: Things Done and Left Undone," The Social Critic, Vol.1, No.5 (November/December 1996) pp. 26-30.
"Labor Relations Law," Chapter 35, CATO Handbook for the 105th Congress, Washington, DC: The CATO Institute, February 1997, pp. 363-371.
"Equality FOR the Labor Market: An Appreciation of WH Hutt," (a shorter version of the monograph above) Journal of Labor Research, Spring 1997, pp. 239-264.
The NEA and Its Federal Charter (a monograph), Public Services Research Foundation, Vienna, VA, 1997 (appears as the entire issue of Government Union Review, Volume 17, No. 3 which was actually published in June 1997).
"Good News for Conservatives in the UPS Capitulation," The Social Critic, Summer 1997, pp. 65-67. Reprinted in Conservative Review, November/December 1997, pp. 21-22.
"Aid to Owners of Dependent Enterprises," The Freeman, November 1997, pp. 654-656.
"The Future of the Union Movement: Clues from the UPS Strike," The Freeman, December 1997, pp. 738-740
"Elections, Extortion and Unions," The Freeman, January 1998, pp. 46-47.
"Union-Friendly Legislation and Union Density: A Laffer Curve Analysis," pp. 29-39 in Innovative Applications of the Laffer Curve, edited by Charles W. Baird and Jeff R. Clark, Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, Chattanooga, TN 1998). I also wrote the Preface to this volume.
"A Model for South African Unionism" an Afterword for the 1998 reprint of W. H. Hutt's Theory of Collective Bargaining, Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1998, pp. 123-129.
"The Myth of Compulsory Union Membership," The Freeman, March 1998, pp. 155-156.
"Salt Without Savor" The Freeman, May 1998, pp. 319-320
Book review: Rewarding Work by Edmund S. Phelps in The Freeman, June 1998, pp. 377-378
Review essay: Rewarding Work by Edmund S. Phelps in The Social Critic, Spring 1998, pp. 54-57
"Union Friendly Legislation and Union Density: A Laffer Curve Analysis," (see above), reprinted in The Journal of Private Enterprise, Volume XIV, Special Issue, 1998, pp. 29-39.
Equality for the Labor Market: An Appreciation of WH Hutt (see above), monograph reprinted in Korean by the Korea Center For Free Enterprise, Monograph # 16, Seoul, Korea, 1998.
The Employment Contracts Act and Unjustifiable Dismissal (see above) monograph reprinted by The Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1998
"Who Wins in Strikes?," The Freeman, August 1998, pp. 511-512
"Right to Work Before and After 14(b)," Journal of Labor Research, Summer 1998, pp. 471-493.
"Labour Relations in the 21st Century: Lessons from W.H. Hutt," South African Journal of Economics, Fall 1998, pp. 196-211.
"Paycheck Protection in California: What Went Wrong?," The Freeman, November 1998, pp. 703-704
"The ILO's Strange Use of Words," The Freeman, February 1999, pp. 63-64.
"Labor Relations Law," Cato Handbook for the 106th Congress, Cato Institute, Washington, DC, Chapter 33, pp. 343-52.
"Just Deserts," The Freeman, March 1999, pp. 10-13.
"Recycling Labor, The Freeman, April 1999, pp. 8-12
"The Right-to-Work Issue: A Rebuttal of Hogler and Shulman," National Institute for Labor Relations Research, Springfield, VA, Occasional Paper, May 1999
"Tony Blair and Fairness at Work, " The Freeman, May 1999, pp. 63-64.
"An Open Letter to the California Legislature," The Freeman, August 1999, pp. 63-64
"The AFL-CIO: Renaissance or Irrelevance?" The Freeman, November 1999, pp. 63-64
"Unions and Antitrust: Governmental Hypocrisy," Ideas on Liberty (temporary new name for The Freeman), February 2000, pp. 63-64
"Sources of Prounion Sentimentality," Ideas on Liberty, March 2000, pp. 45-47
Book review: The Stakeholder Society, by Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott, in Ideas on Liberty, April 2000, pp 55-56.
"Pulling Us Apart," Ideas on Liberty, May 2000, pp. 63-64.
"OSHA at Home," Ideas on Liberty, August 2000, pp. 63-64
"Unions and Antitrust," The Journal of Labor Research, Vol.21, No. 4 (Fall 2000): 585-600.
"A Light Goes Out in New Zealand," Ideas on Liberty, September 2000, pp. 35-37.
"Alchian and Menger on Money," Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 13, No. 2, (September 2000): 115 - 120
"Shameless in California," Ideas on Liberty, November 2000: 63-64.
"Congress and Public Safety Unionism, " Ideas on Liberty , February 2001, pp. 63-64
"A Faculty Union's California Gold Rush: 'Malice in Plunderland' at Cal State," Labor Watch, Capital Research Center, Washington, DC, February 2001, pp. 1-7.
Book Review of Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters, by David D. Friedman, Princeton University Press, 2000, in Ideas on Liberty, March 2001, pp. 55-56.
"Labor Relations Law," Chapter 37 in Cato Handbook for the 107th Congress, Cato Institute, Washington, DC. 2001: 397-408.
"It Depends on What the Meaning of 'Advice" Is," Ideas on Liberty, May 2001. pp. 63-64
"Unions Draft Temporary Workers," Ideas on Liberty, August 2001. pp. 63-64
"A Reply to a Labor Priest," Ideas on Liberty, September 2001, pp. 48-50.
"Unchaining the Workers," Regulation Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Fall 2001), pp. 12-13
"Bastiat and Unionism," Ideas on Liberty, November 2001, pp. 63-64
"Toward Voluntary Unionism," The Journal of Private Enterprise, Volume XVII, No. 1 (Fall 2001), pp. 77-96
"Unions on the Run," Ideas on Liberty, February 2002. pp. 63-64
"Government Sector Unionism," Ideas on Liberty, May 2002. pp. 63-64
"The Living Wage Folly," Ideas on Liberty, June 2002, pp. 16-19
"On Freedom of Association," Ideas on Liberty, July 2002, pp. 14-16
"The PLA Hustle," Ideas on Liberty, August 2002., pp. 63-64.
"Unions Lose Again in Oklahoma," Ideas on Liberty, November 2002. pp.. 63-64
"Labor Law and the West Coast Dock Dispute," Ideas on Liberty, February 2003, pp 63-64
Liberating Labor, Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Acton Institute, 2003 (a monograph)
"Labor Relations Law," CATO Handbook for the 108th Congress, Chapter 34, Cato Institute, Washington, DC
"An Egregious Union Scandal," Ideas on Liberty, May 2003, pp. 63-64
"Reply to Hoagler and LaJeunesse's 'Oklahoma's Right to Work Initiative: Labor Policy and Political Ideology," (with Stan Greer), Labor Law Journal, Volume. 54, Issue No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp. 89-100.
"Lessons from the Washington Teachers Union," Ideas on Liberty, September 2003, pp. 63-64
"Catholic Social Teaching and Unionism," Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaine, Vol. XIII Number 2/3 (September 2003): 353-375.
"California's Apprenticeship Scam," Ideas on Liberty, December 2003, pp. 39-40
"The Phony Case Against the Taft-Hartley Act, and the Correct One," (with Stan Greer), Labor Law Journal, Volume 55, No. 1, (Spring 2004), pp. 25-37
"Back Toward Serfdom in New Zealand," The Freeman, April 2004, pp. 47-48
"The Public and the Unions," The Freeman, July/August 2004, pp. 47-48
"Henry Hazlitt on Unions," The Freeman, November 2004, pp. 47-48
"Henry Hazlitt on Unions, Part II, The Freeman, March 2005, pp. 47-48
"The Perils of Faculty Unionism," The Enterpriser, Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, TN, Spring 2005, pp 4,6.
"Employee Free Choice and Top-Down Organizing, The Freeman, June 2005, pp. 47-48.
"Public Sector Labor-Management Cooperation and Unions," IPMA-HR News, International Public Management Association for Public Resources, Alexandria, VA, July 2005, pp. 5-6
"Australian Labor-Relations Sell-Out," The Freeman, October 2005, pp. 47-48.
"The Government-Created Right-to-Work Issue," The Freeman, January/February 2006, pp. 47-48.
"Unionism," in Frohnen, Beer and Nelson (eds.), American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia, Intercollegiate Studies Institute Books, Wilmington, DE, 2006, pp. 879-881.
"Unions and Abortion Protestors," The Freeman, May 2006, pp. 47-48.
"Freedom for Workers," The Freeman, September 2006. pp. 47-48.
"Hayek on the Rule of Law and Unions," The Freeman, December 2006, pp. 40-41.
"Hayek on Closed Shops and Yellow Dogs," The Freeman, April 2007, pp. 47-48.
"Closing A Malevolent Circle," The Freeman, July/August 2007, pp. 47-48
"Hayek on Labor Unions: Coercion and the Rule of Law," Journal of Private Enterprise, Fall 2007: 30-51
"Paycheck Protection: Much Less Than Meets the Eye," The Freeman, November 2007, pp. 47-48.
"Stealing for Union Bosses," The Freeman, March 2008, pp. 47-48
"Faculty Unions Versus Academic Legitimacy," The Freeman, June 2008, pp. 47-48.
"Hayek on Labor Unions: Economic and Social Consequences," Journal of Private Enterprise, Spring 2008: 19-37
"Worker Freedom in Peril," The Freeman, October 2008. pp. 47-48
"The Mont Pelerin Society," in the Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, Ronald Hamowy, ed., the CATO Institute, Washington, DC 2008
"Labor Unions," in the Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, Ronald Hamowy, ed.the CATO Institute, Washington, DC 2008
"How Bad Can it Get?" The Freeman, January 2009, pp. 47-48
"Organizing and the Organized," The Freeman, May 2009. pp. 47-48
Book review: Labor Economics from a Free Market Perspective, by Walter Block, World Scientific Publishing, 2008, The Freeman, June 2009, pp. 44-45.
"The EFCA and Compromise," The Freeman, September 2009, pp. 55-56
"Labor Day Is Not Union Day," Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, IN, September 7, 2009
"Benedict XVI on Labor Unions," The Freeman, December 2009, pp. 46-47.
"Toward a Free-Market Union Law," The Cato Journal, Winter 2010: 215-234.
"ObamaCare and Unions," The Freeman, April 2010: 47-48
"Unions Lose Respect," The Freeman, July/August 2010: 47-48
"Taking on Unions," The Freeman, November 2010: 47-48
"Card Check Without Congress," The Freeman, March 2011: 47-48.
Faculty Unions: A Terrible Idea, " The Pope Center, March 9, 2011.
"Freeing Labor Markets by Reforming Union Laws," Cato Institute, June 2011.
"Crony Unionism: Private Sector," The Freeman, June 2011: 47-48.
"Crony Unionism: Government Sector," The Freeman, October 2011: 47-48.
"Hilda Solis, Secretary of Unions," FEE - In Brief, October 10, 2011
"The Political Economy of Government-Sector Unionism," paper written for Hillsdale College's Free Market Forum, October 27-29, 2011. Go to Panel 3 here:
"Employer Speech and Workers' Freedom of Association," The Freeman, Jan/Feb 2012: 47-48
"The Employee Rights Act," The Freeman, May 2012: 47-48.
"Government-Sector Unionism and Human Rights," Human Rights Review, July 2012.
"Collective Bargaining and Human Rights," The Freeman, September 2012: 47-48
"School Buses, Teamsters, and Rent-Seeking," The Freeman, December 2012: 21-22
"On Paying Our 'Fair Share,'" FEE In-Brief, January 24,2013,
"Milton Friedman, Right to Work, and Free Riders," FEE In-Brief, April 9, 2013.
The Teamster Freedom of Association Hustle (a monograph), National Institute for Labor Relations Research, May 7, 2013
"American Unionism and Freedom of Association," Journal of Private Enterprise, Spring 2013: 1-21
"Rex Obama and SCOTUS' Labor Pains," FEE IN-Brief, August 26, 2013.
"Employer Neutrality Agreements in Court," FEE In-Brief, November 12, 2013
"Outrage in Illinois," FEE In-Brief, February 21, 2014
"Hayek on Labor Unions," Chapter 14 in Garrison, Roger W. and Barry, Norman, Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2014: 314-342
In Controversy: Are Labor Unions Essential for Social Flourishing? Journal of Markets & Morality, Volume 17, Number 2
"Individualism and Voluntarism," (pp. 525-532) (pdf available at above URL).
"Our Remaining Differences," (pp. 539-543) (pdf available at above URL).
"NLRB's Pro-union Ruling Attacks Private Higher Education," Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, March 18, 2015.
"Predatory Boards and Workers Without Rights," FEE-In-Brief, April 15, 2015
"The First Amendment Could Break the Grip of Government Unions," FEE Daily, December 15, 2015
"California Labor Cartel, Saved by a Death," FEE Daily, April 6, 2016
"No Representation Without Consent," FEE Daily, May 19, 2017
"Does Economic Growth Have a Numeric Limit?" FEE Daily, June 23, 2017
"Good Reasons Not to Unionize," FEE Daily, August 14, 2017
"Unions Aren't as Popular as the Polls Would Have You Believe," FEE Daily, September 4, 2017
"Equality and Taxes," Freedom Rising, The Heartland Institute, November 6, 2017
"We Need a New Name for 'Trickle-Down' Economics," FEE Daily, December 18, 2017
"Catholic Bishops against Mark Janus," The Acton Institute, February 7, 2018
"After Janus, New Models for Labor Relations," The Acton Institute, July 11, 2018
"After Janus: Vindication and Hope," James G. Martin Center, July 25, 2018
"Coercion in Government Employment," American Institute for Economic Research, August 19, 2019.
"That Labor Union Poll Is Not Believable," American Institute for Economic Research, August 30, 2019
"Reciprocity in Occupational Licensure Might Be a Bad Idea," American Institute for Economic Research, January 27, 2020.
"Bleak Future For Unions,", February 5, 2020
"Socialism Must be Authoritarian," American Institute for Economic Research, March 11, 2020
"Government Action and Private Unions," American Institute for Economic Research, August 5, 2021
"No Room at the Inn," KQED TV, San Francisco, CA. January 8, 1979. A one hour panel discussion on the nature and causes of the Bay Area housing shortage.
"The Economic Case for a Constitutional Amendment to Balance the Federal Budget," The Advocates, PBS TV (national). April 1, 1979.
Role in educational film entitled, "Who is Controlling Your Government: An Urgent Issue," produced by Public Services Research Council, Vienna, Virginia. Premiered on Capitol Hill on December 8, 1981.
"A Report Card on Reaganomics," Newsmagazine, KCBS Radio, San Francisco, CA. August 25, 1982. One hour interview.
"The Owen Spann Show, "The Public School Monopoly," ABC FM (national) and KGO Radio, San Francisco, CA. October 7, 1982. Two one hour interviews.
"Resolving the Housing Crisis," Eyewitness Newsmaker KPIX TV, San Francisco, CA. February 20, 1983. Half hour interview.
"Black Colleges and Tax Money," Morning Break, WDVM TV, Washington, D.C., February 29, 1984. One hour.
"Tuition Tax Credits and Education Vouchers," Morning Magazine WOAI-radio, San Antonio, TX., December 28, 1984 One hour.
"Tax Reform or Tax Restructuring," Half hour interviews at KDKA-radio, Pittsburgh, PA, June 12, 1986 and WJNO-radio, West Palm Beach, FL, June 24, 1986.
"Child Care Services: Crisis or Not?," KGO TV, San Francisco, Dec. 30, 1986. One half hour.
"Whither Unionism," KING radio, Seattle, WA, September 5, 1988. One hour interview.
"The Balanced Budget Amendment" KTAR-radio, Phoenix, AZ, June 11, 1992. One hour interview.
"Clinton's Department for Unions," KPHP-radio, Portland, OR, July 1, 1993. One hour interview.
"The Future of American Unions," KQED-TV (PBS), San Francisco, October 8, 1993. Half hour debate format on program called "FACE TO FACE."
"Has Corporate Downsizing Gone Too Far?" KQED-TV (PBS), San Francisco, May 27, 1994, FACE TO FACE.
Co-Host of "FACE TO FACE," KQED-TV (PBS), San Francisco:
June 24, 1994, "Illegal Immigration and Public Health"
July 1, 1994, "Strikers and Their Permanent Replacements"
July 8, 1994, "Race-Based Policy and Justice"
"The Conservative Revolution," on This Week In Northern California, KQED-TV (PBS), San Francisco, February 3, 1995
"Debate on California Civil Rights Initiative: Against Affirmative Action," TCI Cable TV, Alameda, CA, April 5, 1995
"The Flat Tax: Making the IRS Irrelevant," KSFO-radio, San Francisco, CA , April 25, 1995
"Corporate Welfare," on Marketplace, KGO-TV (Channel 7), San Francisco, June 1, 1997
"Bay Area Conservatives," This Week in Northern California, KQED-TV (PBS), San Francisco, taped on 7/24/97 for broadcast on 9/19/97.
"In Support of Proposition 226," a debate, Contra Costa Cable TV, Martinez, CA,
"In Support of Proposition 226," a debate, Marin Cable TV, San Raphael, CA, May 28, 1998.
Debate on the US Supreme Court's welfare decision on May 17, 1999 in Saenz v. Roe, Bay TV, San Francisco, "Take Issue," May 19, 1999.
"The Faculty Agency Shop Lawsuit," KSFO Talk Radio, Lee Rodgers Show, February 17, 2000.
"The AFL-CIO Split," Ave Maria Radio, Al Kresta Show, July 26, 2005.
CONFERENCES AND OTHER PUBLIC APPEARANCES (chronological order since 1980)
"Let's Abolish the Department of Energy," San Leandro Kiwanis Club. January 15, 1980.
"Let's Force the Feds to Balance Their Budget," San Leandro Breakfast Club. March 19, 1980.
Panel on "The Future of Public Sector Unionism," Public Services Research Foundation. March 20, 1980.
Testimony before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution regarding a proposed Constitutional amendment to require balanced federal budgets. April 9, 1981.
"The Meaning of Supply Side Economics," Sunday Nighters Club of All Saints' Episcopal Church, San Leandro, CA. May 31, 1981.
"Where is the Middle Ground," CATO Conference on Pollution, Palo Alto, CA. December 11 12, 1981.
"Water Rights and the New Resource Economics," Preserving the Earth: the Property Rights Alternative. Symposium sponsored by the University of Bridgeport School of Law and the Connecticut Institute, Bridgeport, CT. April 16, 1983.
"Some Dangers in a Flat Tax," Pacific Forum, San Francisco, CA. April 26, 1983.
"Labor Law and Industrial Policy", Pacific Forum, San Francisco CA. April 17, 1984.
"American Labor Law and the First Amendment", Dominican College, San Rafael, June 6, 1984.
"The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Estate in the U.K.: A Comment", paper given at general meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, Cambridge, England, September 3, 1984.
"The Supreme Court, Labor Law, and the First Amendment," library seminar, Institute for Humane Studies, April 10, 1985.
"Comparable Worth: Pay Equity or Economic Disaster," (a Debate), the Forum, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN, March 20, 1986
"Public Sector Unionism: a Constitutional Affront," the Wisconsin Forum, Milwaukee, WI, March 26, 1986
"Entrepreneurial Discovery in the Regulated Labor Market," Intercollegiate Studies Institute conference on Entrepreneurship, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA, April 11 12, 1986
"Public Sector Unionism and Democracy," College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, December 4, 1986
"Christian Perspectives on the Economy," Liberty Fund Conference, Williamsburg, VA, February 12 14, 1987
"The Political Economy of South Africa," Free Marin Forum, San Raphael, CA, December 2, 1987
"American Union Law: Sources of Conflict," Conference on Japanese Labor Relations: Are There lessons for the US?, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, April 5, 1989
"Haymarket, Homestead, and Pullman Through the Eyes of W. H. Hutt," annual meeting of the History of Economics Society, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, June 12, 1989
"Collective Bargaining in Higher Education," conference on the pros and cons of higher education faculty unionism, Western Nevada Community College, Carson City, NV, March 30, 1990
"The Political Economy of Waste Management," Regional Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, Big Sky, Montana, August 24, 1991
"Christianity, Economics and Liberty," Liberty Fund Conference, Alexandria, VA January 16-19, 1992
"Introducing the Smith Center," Fremont, CA Chamber of Commerce, January 21, 1992
"On Strikers and Their Replacements," Mill Valley, CA Rotary, January 28, 1992
"Is The Free Market Moral?," Intercollegiate Studies Institute Leadership Conference, San Jose, CA, November 14, 1992
"A Christian Economist in Defense of Richard Epstein's Forbidden Grounds," American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, January 6, 1993
"Perils in Clinton's Economic and Labor Policies," Templeton Portfolio Advisory, Inc., Summit Conference, Monterey, CA, March 25, 1993
"Bill Clinton's Economic Follies," South African Economics Society, Johannesburg, July 22, 1993
"Clinton's Unionist Agenda," Economics Seminar, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, August 16, 1993
"Clinton's Economic Follies Revisited," Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, September 6, 1993
"Clinton's Keynesian Superstitions," Rosmoor Lions Club, Walnut Creek, CA, September 16, 1993
"The Return of Big Labor," San Ramon Valley (CA) Republican Women's Club, February 22, 1994
"The New South Africa: Another Bosnia or Socialist Decay?" Smith Center Lecture, CSUH, February 23, 1994
"The Return of Big Labor," Dublin, CA Rotary Club, March 22, 1994
"Ontology and Other Cures for Our Economies," and "Price Level and Productivity Standards," Two commentaries on papers given at the International Institute for Austrian Economics conference on "Hayek v. Keynes," March 14-17, 1995, Vienna, Austria
"The Agenda of The Smith Center," Mission San Jose Rotary, Fremont, CA, March 24, 1995
"Labor Law Reform for the New Republican Majority," Oakland Rotary, Oakland, CA, March 30, 1995
"The Agenda of The Smith Center," Oakland-Piedmont Republican Club, Naval Air Station, Alameda, CA, April 20, 1995
"Completing Neoclassical Market Theory: Entrepreneurship & Competition," Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society Banquet, University of Oklahoma, Norman, April 22, 1995
"The Flat Tax," Young Republicans of Contra Costa County, Pleasanton, CA, May 25, 1995
"The Labor Contributions of W. H. Hutt," panel discussion at regional meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, Cape Town, South Africa, September 12, 1995
"Toward Equality and Justice in Labor Markets," paper written for and presented at regional meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, Cape Town, South Africa, September 13, 1995
"The Economics and Politics of the Flat Tax," Castro Valley Rotary, October 31, 1995
"The Illegitimacy of Government Employee Unions," National Tax Limitation Committee, San Diego, November 10, 1995
"Comments on Ikeda's Market Process General Theory of Interventionism," Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, November 19, 1995
"Freedom and American Labor Relations Law: 1946-1996," UC Irvine, December 1, 1995
"The Employment Contracts Act: Almost a Model for the World," Karori Rotary, Wellington, New Zealand, March 19, 1996
"Education, Teacher Unions and Competition," Auckland Rotary, Auckland, New Zealand, May 13, 1996
"Deregualtion of the New Zealand Labour Market: Things Done and Left Undone," Conference on New Zealand Business Employment: Moving Ahead, New Zealand Business Roundtable, Auckland, New Zealand, May 15, 1996.
Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities, Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations, US House of Representatives, in support of the proposed Worker Right to Know Act [HR 3580, a codification of Communications Workers v. Beck (487 US 735, 1988)], June 19, 1996.
"Union-Friendly Legislation and Union Density: A Laffer Curve Analysis," paper presented to the Southern Economic Association, November 24, 1996 and to the National Conference on Innovative Applications of the Laffer Curve, Washington, DC, April 13, 1997.
"Getting Union Dues Out of Politics," Orinda, CA Republican Women's Club, March 20, 1997
"A Laffer Curve Analysis of Minimum Wages: A Comment" presented at the Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, November 21, 1997.
"Labour Relations in New Zealand and South Africa," Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 18,1998.
"An Economic Analysis of Unjustifiable Dismissal Regulations, " University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 19, 1998.
"Labour Relations in the 21st Century: Lessons from WH Hutt," the first annual WH Hutt Memorial Lecture, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, February 24, 1998.
"A Critique of the Labour Provisions in the Austrian Social Partnership," Manz Seminar, Vienna, Austria, April 29, 1998.
"Critique of "The Unity of Market Theory and Morality,'" by Robert Sirico, President of the Acton Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association (SEA), November 9, 1998.
"Menger and Alchian on Money," Presidential Address, Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, New Orleans, LA, November 22, 1999
"Critique of 'Trust: A cause and Consequence of Government Performance, '" by JR Clark and Dwight Lee, presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, LA, November 21, 1999.
"Comments on 'William Hutt and the Economics of Apartheid.'" by Peter Lewin, presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, LA, November 22, 1999
"Unions and Antitrust," paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association of Private Enterprise Education, in Las Vegas, NV, April 4, 2000
"The Class Action Suit Against the California Faculty Association," presentation at the inaugural national meeting of the Paycheck Protection Working Group in San Diego, California, , July 24, 2000.
"Toward Voluntary Unionism," paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, Washington, DC, April 9, 2001.
"The Relevance of F. A. Hayek," presentation at The Independent Institute, Oakland CA, May 16, 2001
"The Case for Labor Law Liberalization," Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Delhi, India, August 6, 2001
"Labor and Employment Contract Law in an Open Market Economy," National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India, August 8, 2001.
"Labor and Employment Contract Law in an Open Market Economy," Karnataka State Bar Council, Bangalore, India, August 8, 2001.
"Labor Law Reform, Industrial Productivity and Job Security," Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, Bangalore, India, August 8, 2001.
"Labor Law Reform for the 21st Century," half-day seminar sponsored by US Consulate, Chennai, India, August 10, 2001.
"Labor and Employment Contract law in an Open Market Economy, Madras Bar Association, Chennai, India, August 13, 2001.
"Bastiat and Unionism," lecture delivered at Universite d'Aix-en-Provence, France, September 4, 2001
"Religious Accommodation and Forced Unionism," Association of Private Enterprise Education Annual Conference, Cancun, Mexico, April 8, 2002
"The Economic Department's Role" [in accounting education], Association of Private Enterprise Education Annual Conference, Cancun Mexico, April 9, 2002
"The Labor Market Process," First Annual Convention of the Foundation for Economic Education, Las Vegas, NV, May 3, 2002
"The Future of Unionism," First annual Convention of the Foundation for Economic Education, Las Vegas, NV, May 3, 2002.
"The EEOC and Religious Accommodation," Labor Issues Working Group annual meeting, Las Vegas NV, July 15, 2002.
"Business Ethics," Seminar on the State in a Civil Society, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington, NY, August 12, 2002.
"Minimum and Living Wages," Seminar on the State in a Civil Society, Foundation for Economic Education. Irvington, NY. August 13, 2002.
"Unions: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," Seminar on the State in Civil Society, Foundation for Economic Education. Irvington, NY, August 14, 2002.
"Privatization and Its Enemies," Summer University, University of Marseille at Aix, Aix en Provence, France, September 2, 2002.
"The Future of Unions," Summer University, University of Marseille at Aix en Provence, France, September 3, 2002.
Discussant of "Prisoners' Dilemmas, Leadership, and the Destructive Growth in Government," by JR Clark and Dwight R. Lee, Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, LA November 24, 2002.
Director of Liberty Fund colloquium on "The Economics of William H. Hutt, Chattanooga, TN, September 13 through September 16, 2003.
Served as Chairman of the Program Committee for the regional meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society in Chattanooga, TN, September 18 through September 21, 2003
Delivered four lectures over three days at Universidad Francisco Marroquin (UFM), Guatemala City, Guatemala, September 29 through October 1, 2003. Received honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at UFM.
Delivered two lectures, "Who Protects the Worker?" and "Corporate Social Responsibility," at the "Milton Friedman Seminar," sponsored by the Young America's Foundation, at the Reagan Ranch Conference Center, Santa Barbara, CA, November 21-23, 2003.
"Unions and Government Employment," a presentation at conference sponsored by the Atlas Foundation, Fairfax, VA, and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Washington, DC, which took place April 20-21, 2004 in Miami, Florida.
"Government Employee Unionism v. Democracy," presentation given at FreedomFest 2004 in Las Vegas, NV, May 15, 2004
"Creating an Optimal Labour Market in New Zealand", presentation given under the auspices of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, 16 September 2004, Wellington, New Zealand
"The Nonsense of Free Trade," presentation given under the auspices of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, 17 September 2004, Wellington, New Zealand
"Political Corruption of the English Language," presentation given under the auspices of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, 17 September 2004, Wellington, New Zealand
"Creating an Optimal Labour Market in New Zealand, presentation given under the auspices of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, 21 September 2004, Christchurch, New Zealand
"Misesian Economics of Labor," presentation given under the auspices of the Young America's Foundation, 25 September 2004, Santa Barbara, CA
"On Methodology in Economics," presentation given under the auspices of the Young America's Foundation, 26 September 2004, Santa Barbara, CA
"Political Abuse of the English Language," ACT Party Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, March 12, 2005
"Reflections on the US Labour Market," Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, March 15, 2005
"The US Labour Market: the Good and the Not So Good," Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, Australia, March 16, 2005.
"Reflections on the US Labour Market," Australian Economics Society, Victoria Branch, Melbourne, Australia, March 17, 2005.
"The Folly of Minimum Wage Legislation," HR Nicholls Society Conference, Melbourne, Australia, March 19, 2005.
"Reflections on the US Labour Market," HR Nicholls Society Conference Dinner, Melbourne, Australia, March 19, 2005.
"The US Labour Market: the Good and the Not So Good," Australian Economics Society, South Australia Branch, Adelaide, Australia, March 21, 2005.
"Political Abuse of the English Language," Centre for Independent Studies, St. Leonards, NSW, Australia, March 22, 2005.
"Reflections on the US Labour Market," Australian Business Economists, Sydney, Australia March 23, 2005.
"Market and Liberty in the Future of the Mont Pelerin Society," Liberty Fund colloquium, August 18-21, 2005, Rykjavik, Iceland.
"Labor Day Is Not Union Day," a Heritage Foundation Forum, "Free Choice for Workers," Washington, DC, September 1, 2005
"Testimony Supporting HR 500, The National Right to Work Act," House Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Workforce, Empowerment and Government Programs, September 8, 2005, Rayburn Office Building, Washington, DC.
"Hayek on Spontaneous and Constructed Order in a Free Society," Liberty Fund colloquium, March 2-5, 2006, La Jolla, CA
"The Perils of Government Employee Unionism," The Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington, NY August 11, 2006.
Chair of session on "Freedom and the Media in the 21st Century," General Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, Guatemala City, Guatemala, November 8, 2006.
"2007-08 Socratic Leadership Seminar I," Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, IN, October 5-7, 2007
"Joseph Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy," Liberty Fund colloquium, Sandestin, FL, February 7-10, 2008.
"Intellectuals, Liberty, and Ideology," Liberty Fund colloquium, Santa Monica, CA, March 6-9, 2008
"Confusion of Language in American Politics," Students for Liberty, University of Nevada, Reno, February 19, 2009
"Randy Barnett's Restoring the Lost Constitution," Liberty Fund colloquium, Indianapolis, IN, March 20-22, 2009.
"Confusion of Language in American Politics," Catholic Professional & Business Group, Reno, NV, April 16, 2009.
Chair of Breakout Session, "The Economist as Guru," Mont Pelerin Society General Meeting, Sydney, Australia October 14, 2010
"American Unionism and Freedom of Association," paper presented at the annual conference of The Association of Private Enterprise Education, Las Vegas, NV, April 2, 2012